Set Surgeon Values
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To access this screen select 'Administrative Functions' from the month view and then 'Set Surgeon values' from the 'Calendar view maintenance' section. Select the radio button to the left of the name you need to set valued for then select the 'Modify selected Surgeon' button. Change the values as required then select the 'Modify Surgeon details' button.

The Sort Key is used to determine the sort order of the surgeon information as it appears in the 'Surgery List and Meetings' and the 'Full Day Report'.

The Initials are used to determine what appears in the Day Box on the Month View , in some of the columns of the 'Full Day Report', and in the 'Asst' drop down menu when adding or modifying patient details.

The Short Name is used to determine what appears in the 'Display Surgeon Schedules', the 'on call list' and in some columns of the 'Full Day Report'.

