May 2004
What Works Awards 2003: Judging Criteria
HMT Recognizes the Best Healthcare IT Case Histories from 2003 (Cont'd)
By Robin Blair, Editor, and Karin Lillis, Managing Editor

What Works judges are asked to score each case history on five weighted criteria:
Benefits to the User
This category encompasses the “results” section of every What Works and is the most important section in every case history. What makes a case history a What Works is quantifiable results, metrics, and measures of real gain to the healthcare organization. Judges are asked to consider the following:

• Did the software or hardware solution quantifiably help the healthcare organization to achieve its objectives?
•Did the healthcare organization achieve its objectives?
•Was this the best solution for the problem at hand?
•Was the organization able to solve or alleviate its problem?

Judges are asked to consider whether this hardware or software solution would be applicable to other organizations with a similar problem and whether they could expect similar results.

Installation, Implementation and Ease of Adoption
Even the best solution sometimes requires Herculean effort to get it onto first base. Judges are asked to consider all details about the product installation and especially the degree to which the supplier or vendor participated in helping the healthcare end-user to install and implement.

• Did the implementation go as planned?
•How much training was required for staff to learn the technology?
•Were bumps in the road easily ironed out?


The degree to which a solution is scalable to include more functions, more transactions or more end-users—but without disproportionate impact upon the organization’s resources or infrastructure—is always important.

Creative Challenge
Judges are asked to determine how well the technology worked for the organization within its own limits, be they limits of finances, infrastructure, legacy systems or users.

Main News Page
Original What Works Article: August 2003
Best of What Works Award: May 2004

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